Tuesday, September 29

Torture Style During the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, torture was
considered a legitimate way to extract confessions, punish offenders, and perform executions. Some
methods were considerably cruelerthan others— these 10 being amongthe most barbaric and brutal.
Europe's Medieval period lasted fromthe 5th to the 15th century. Duringthis time, torture was often used toextract confessions, or obtain the names of accomplices or other information about crimes. Laws and local customs did not impose limits on the treatment of prisoners or the extent to which torture could be inflicted. In fact, confessions were not considered genuine or sincere when
so-called "light torture" was used (such as toe wedging and strapped)different types of torture were used
depending on the victim's crime,gender, and social status. Skilled torturers would use methods, devices,
and instruments to prolong life aslong as possible while inflicting agonizing pain. Many prisoners were
tortured prior to execution in orderto obtain additional information; inmany of these cases, the executionmethod was part of the tortureendured by prisoners.There are dozens upon dozens ofdifferent torture techniques anddevices. I recently visited the Museumof Medieval Torture Instruments inPrague where these 10 caught my eye.But before you read any further, bewarned that they are very graphic disturbing.
The Judas Cradle
Also called the Judas Chair, this
Italian invention was particularly
Using ropes, a prisoner would be
lowered above the pyramid-shaped
"seat" with the point inserted into the
anus or vagina. Victims would be
tortured by intense pressure and
stretching of the orifice, resulting in
permanent damage. In many cases,
the victim would succumb to rips inthe muscle tissue that would laterbecome infected. Weights would beadded to facilitate the effect, oftenresulting in death by impalement.A similar device, called the SpanishDonkey (or wooden horse), achieveda similar effect. Victims straddled thetriangular "horse" and were forced toplace their full body weight on theircrotch, which rested on the point ofthe angle.
2. Pear of AnguishThis heinous contraption was usedduring the Middle Ages as a way totorture women who were accused offacilitating a miscarriage. It wasalsoused to punish liars, blasphemers,and homosexuals. The device wasinserted into one of the prisoner'sorifices — the vagina for women, tetanus for homosexuals, and the mouth
for liars and blasphemers (which swishy it's also known as the Choke
Pear).The device featured four metal leavesthat slowly separated from each otheras the torturer turned the screw atthe top. The torturer could use it totear the skin, or expand it to itsmaximal size to mutilate the victim.It rarely caused death, but was followed by other torture methods.

3. Breaking Wheel
Also known as the Catherine wheel,
this torture device was used to
torture and kill prisoners for public
The device was typically a large
wagon wheel with radial spokes.
Offenders were were lashed to the
wheel and their limbs beaten with a
club or iron cudgel. The gaps in the
wheel allowed the limbs to give way
and break. Disturbingly, the survival
time after being "broken" could beextensive, with some accounts of victims living for several days prior
to succumbing to their mortalinjuries.Related: Welcome to the macabre worldof 'execution site archaeology' | The 5Most Unpleasant And Undignified WaysTo Die In Ancient Times.

4. Iron Chair
This torture device was used
extensively during the Middle Ages.
Victims would be placed onto the
chair — which featured hundreds of
sharp spikes — followed by the
progressive tightening of iron
restraints, forcing the spikes deep
into the flesh.
This could go on for hours, sometimes
days. The spikes did not penetrate
vital organs and blood loss swam minimized — at least until the person
was released from the chair. Death often followed. The Iron Chair was often used as a psychological instrument of torture; victims would often confess after being forced to watch other prisoners being tortured by the device.
To be continues--------


Unknown said...


sr said...

thank you sir stay with us for more...

sr said...

thank you sir stay with us for more...

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