Friday, October 2

Is it just friendships? part 2

Then one day my trumpet
For very obstinate. He
That when we give to
A friendship
Years on the day we meet
I will.
And today is the day you want.

Thursday, October 1

Story - dawn

Story - dawn ||
Lekhah 'Abid Ahmed Chowdhury
Maya and I do it together today
Others are too
Around. But from today
A few days ago,
We did not know each other.
Even the name was
There was not known.

Wednesday, September 30

Is it just a friendship part 1

The name of the story [] Is it just a friendship?
Today in the morning I am.
Although it
I do not practice.
The reason to wake up in the morning
Today is a special day for me
One will meet.

Tuesday, September 29

After a long time

Not ??
Why should I ajaba with you
Where ?? I ?? Why do not you'll see Ira
OK ??
~ I think you will see just 10 minutes
Who will acchaira this time ??
~ In the afternoon to meet kairena
Then why did you so long, and I just

Torture Style During the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, torture was
considered a legitimate way to extract confessions, punish offenders, and perform executions. Some
methods were considerably cruelerthan others— these 10 being amongthe most barbaric and brutal.
Europe's Medieval period lasted fromthe 5th to the 15th century. Duringthis time, torture was often used toextract confessions, or obtain the names of accomplices or other information about crimes. Laws and local customs did not impose limits on the treatment of prisoners or the extent to which torture could be inflicted. In fact, confessions were not considered genuine or sincere when

Monday, September 28

After a long time part -I

After a long time the..Khelamamanehacche so much
Paraira year will be a little call.
I do not know how any of the
There is
~ Ladies and Gentlemen
Ira ??
~ Who is this ??
Ira I Rifaat
~ Rifaat bhaiyayayayayaya
So after you ???
So where were you ??
Give him chilama ekajayagayaira
I need to talk to